It's funny how I have 2 chapters of The Help left to read and the iMovie I must finish tonight for American Government has yet to be started. It's funny how I prioritize my High School bucket list items over any schoolwork or responsibility I try to maintain in my family. It's funny how I burned in the tanning bed today, but what's even funnier, is that the mild stinging, doesn't bother me. It actually helps reassure myself that I am indeed getting at least a shade darker. Even if I do glow scarlet like a lobster. :)
This is good right? Practicing my passion? Who am I kidding, I am definitely procrastinating once again. But procrastinating at its best, right? This is the part where you all laugh. Not at my failure of joke making...but because I am just as guilty as YOU are. Don't try to hide it.
The more I keep typing, the more I squint wildly to keep my mind awake. I guess it is time again, for Logan to mull over her sanity with a cup of coffee. Although, I have an early morning, so I should probably stay afar from the caffeine.
My mind quickly captures my focus and redirects it to the crackling fire across the room, next to the pull out couch. I am unusually comforted by its presence, not only the warmth. My eyes have traveled to the pit of the embers, they beam of strength and motivation. As I admire the blossoming flames roaring upward, I notice the embers constantly darkening and lightening from the changing airflow. For a moment I trace the peaks of the flames with the tip of my nose until I begin to understand that without the embers...there would be no flames to gaze at with awe. And within 30 seconds, I form a grudge against these blazes whom long to be stared at with wonder. Angered, I pray for the little embers and their not-so tiny importance in our world. Plus, I mean hooray for smores!